Reading Time: 3 minutes While Facebook Ads is insane about Ad Accounts and blocks everything it can block, lots of affiliates turned to native ads, as it is still popular to run COD-offers. Native ads have always been one of the most effective ways to promote the so-called WOW-products. In comparison to Facebook’s insanity, the networks of native advertising…
Reading Time: 2 minutes We continue to share our GEO reviews with you. The “Affiliate Marketing around the world” section becomes regular and today we are going to talk about Spain – country of flamenco, football, and bullfighting. So, what general information do we have? Spain has about 46.7 million inhabitants. Almost 80% of them use the internet which…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Lol, flat nonsense. You are on the battlefield, my friend. You’ll never know if certain creative materials will give you a sky-high ROI or a severe ban by Facebook moderators. Right now there is only one way to check up your creative materials – to TEST them. Basically, your testing strategy should look like this:…