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  • 19.5.2016

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Collect on delivery is a new scheme for affiliate programs, and in this article we will share our experience in it. How It Works Collect on delivery is a sales frame when a customer pays for the ordered product upon delivery. The process looks like this: A customer sees an ad and clicks on it….

  • 18.5.2016

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Eventually, every affiliate faces a choice: what payment service to choose to retrieve money from the account? In this article, we’ll compare the popular payment systems: PayPal, Paxum, Payoneer, WebMoney, along with more conventional Wire Transfer.

  • 17.5.2016

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello everyone. Affiliate marketers often face a problem: a few affiliate programs represent exactly the same offer with different promotion conditions. This can be a result of:

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