Reading Time: 2 minutes Affiliate Marketing is a type of performance-based marketing the key process of which is promoting a product in return for a payout. Affiliate marketing has a lot in common with other Internet marketing methods because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. For example, search engine optimization (SEO), e-mail marketing, content marketing, working with social media…
Reading Time: 3 minutes ROTATOR is a tool (instrument) in AdCombo system. In practice, rotators are used in order to create links (which are very similar to the links generated for offers); they are not used to adjust rotation. It is just a tool which allows generating links and creating combinations (a bundle of a landingpage and a prelander)…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi, there! We are going to tell you how to become a publisher in a good affiliate network. When a newbie starts to deal with networks he/she realizes that this business is not so easy to get in. There are several things that you should know and in order not to waste your time…