Reading Time: 3 minutes Facebook Ads has a rule that says no more than 20% of an ad image can contain text. It makes the process of making ads much harder but there is a secret how to avoid this rule. And this is our today’s topic. Stick to our Facebook 20% text life-hacks and you won’t have problems…
Reading Time: 2 minutes AdCombo’s Royal Fit! A special bonus that is available only for our publishers. We’ve got to show what the real network’s concern looks like. AdCombo and ePayService provide you with an exclusive opportunity to solve all the payment concerns. EPayService is ready to provide a universal solution for the Facebook Ads and Google Ads payment…
Reading Time: 3 minutes We keep buying your case-studies to share your success stories with other affiliates. And today another webmaster got money for his case-study with PropellerAds. Offer – well-known Money Amulet! So, what’s our webmaster’s story? CPA network: AdCombo Offer: Money Amulet GEO: BG, HU, and SK Traffic Source: PropellerAds – Push Notifications Ad Spend: $436 Revenue:…