AdCombo team – AdCombo Blog about affiliate marketing Thu, 22 Jul 2021 15:48:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AdCombo team – AdCombo 32 32 New Offer-Motion Mat. Checkmate your ban! Fri, 26 Mar 2021 15:03:46 +0000 Reading Time: 3 minutes Details: Product overview: Design: Target Audience: Trigger points: Undeniable advantages: Learn Zen & make the white magic of Motion Mat protect you from the dark powers of ban.💪]]> Reading Time: 3 minutes

Waking up in a cold sweat from a nightmare with ominously laughing Zuckerberg banning all your ad accounts? Creepy! Alas, higher affiliate profits often mean some jitters!

Until now! Motion Mat – our new whitehat offer: no bans, wide audience and perfect Affiliate Zen.

Motion Mat – a highly popular now acupuncture massage mat. This stylish accessory helps with muscle and joint pain and keeps your body toned. It’s almost like a trained massage specialist in the comfort of your own home – perfect for the new pandemic reality!


Product overview:

The composition will satisfy the most committed eco-activists! Motion Mat is made of a 100% natural flax and coconut fiber. It’s 100% recyclable and hypoallergenic.🍃

This can benefit your ad campaign. Due to the IBM research data, nearly six in 10 consumers surveyed are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact.

Neodymium magnets in the Motion Mat create a magnetic field, which additionally helps in the treatment of joints. Magnet therapy is an alternative medicine trick that has become increasingly popular. Worldwide, $5 billion has been spent on magnets to treat everything from back pain to headaches.


In short – high-quality and eco-friendly.

The pack is made of expensive craft cardboard and looks great in visuals – trustworthy and fashionable. 

The Mat itself looks very professional and shows the quality of materials. Another benefit is the size of the Motion Mat. It’s mid-sized, lightweight and convenient to carry and store.

Wanna make sure? Just look at these fantastic product visuals👈!

Target Audience:

Female and male, mostly 45+, suffering from joint and muscle pain, osteochondrosis, pain in different parts of the body caused by lifestyle (lower back and neck from sedentary work and physical exertion, knees/elbows from sports), and excessive physical exertion.

However, these symptoms may also occur in younger age groups. Sports fans, yoga lovers, anyone who works in an office maybe?😉  Have you ever had back and joint pain after a hard day’s work? You are not alone, bro. Approximately 1.71 billion people globally have musculoskeletal conditions. High-Income countries are the most affected in terms of the number of people – 441 million, followed by countries in the WHO Western Pacific Region with 427 million and South-East Asia Region with 369 million.

Trigger points:

  • Youth will not save you. For example low back pain affects people of all ages, from children to the elderly, the Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that low back pain is among the top 10 diseases and injuries worldwide;
  • We are sitting ourselves to death. A sedentary lifestyle increases the death rate by 71%;
  • The pain won’t go away by itself. Up to 85% of patients with chronic pain are affected by severe depression.

Undeniable advantages:

  • Motion Mat is a sweet whitehat offer. You can safely run ads for it in white sources less worrying about the ban since it is a physical product;
  • The versatility of the CA segments – students, office workers, taxi drivers, the elderly etc;
  • Acupressure Mat is a natural form of pain relief;
  • Helps to deal with stress and depression and reduces anxiety. There are many studies conducted into how the spiky treatment can help to calm the mind, as well as it’s also powerful for treating stress and depression;
  • Acupressure massage produces endorphins. Findings published in the IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science showed that acupressure can stimulate the production of endorphins which helps to block the pain signals reaching the brain;
  • Helps with headaches and migraines. Evidence published in the National Library of Medicine compared acupressure with muscle relaxant therapy, and found that acupressure was much more effective;
  • Be your own doctor. The ability to manage your treatment is a huge selling point of the acupressure mat. You can carry it with you wherever you go and use it whenever you want.

Learn Zen & make the white magic of Motion Mat protect you from the dark powers of ban.💪

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Increased Payouts for China and Taiwan! Fri, 19 Mar 2021 15:24:15 +0000 Reading Time: < 1 minute ]]> Reading Time: < 1 minute

Excited to run these offers? Contact your affiliate manager to get an Extra Bonus from PropellerAds!

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It’s Time to Make Strong Profit with BlueStone! Thu, 11 Feb 2021 15:48:34 +0000 Reading Time: < 1 minute But there is more: we have prepared everything that you may need when running a BlueStone campaign. Product reviews, superb photos, and videos are already at your service for getting maximum CR! Check out -> the product’s intro page for more details and get a free sample if needed. Ready for firing up your TA and...]]> Reading Time: < 1 minute

BlueStone is Adcombo’s exclusive offer, which is available in a liquid form and capsules. Its formula contains more than 16 the most popular ingredients promoting male potency. 

AdCombo’s product managers and designers have put a lot of effort into developing a package design for it that looks pretty luxurious and upscale.

For now, 12 GEOs available for managing traffic.  

But there is more: we have prepared everything that you may need when running a BlueStone campaign. Product reviews, superb photos, and videos are already at your service for getting maximum CR!

Check out -> the product’s intro page for more details and get a free sample if needed.

Ready for firing up your TA and gaining a strong… income?

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Italian Case Study: $1450 Profit with Adult Offer and One Account Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:56:55 +0000 Reading Time: 4 minutes Hey, everyone! 2020 was my third year spent with affiliate marketing. I’ve seen a lot and now I feel that I’m ready to share some CPA hacks with you. Let’s get started! 🚀   Campaign Details: Offer: Xtrazex – IT Source: Facebook GEO: Italy Income: $2415 Profit: $1450 Spend: $965 ROI: 150 % Period: 18.05.2020...]]> Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hey, everyone!

2020 was my third year spent with affiliate marketing. I’ve seen a lot and now I feel that I’m ready to share some CPA hacks with you.

Let’s get started! 🚀


Campaign Details:

Offer: Xtrazex – IT

Source: Facebook

GEO: Italy

Income: $2415

Profit: $1450

Spend: $965

ROI: 150 %

Period: 18.05.2020 – 07.07.2020

The adult niche has always been and will be one of the most profitable niches for COD offers, you just need to know how to work with it.

Here is my scheme: I was running traffic from Facebook using farmed fake accounts, to a Google site without cloaking (yes, it’s truly possible). Doing nothing special with landing and pre-landing pages, I used default ones of AdCombo. I usually prefer to use Indigo browser and mobile proxies for promotion, and this campaign was no exception.

Perché questa offerta? (Choosing an offer)

Working with Xtrazex offers in other GEOs had brought quite good results, but it wasn’t enough for me. 

In the context of rising Coronavirus anxiety, constant affiliates complaints against permanent FB bans, terribly low CR, and destructive influence of the pandemic on the whole CPA niche, I decided not to give up and revive the traffic running! 💪 Italy has become a perfect GEO solution for this mission since I’ve already had the positive outcomes of running several offers there.

Looking for the best creative

Having wandered in search of a cool creo, I found exactly what I needed.

My previous experience of working with male enhancement offers has shown that a simpler text is better.

The variants of slogans were very similar:

– Il tuo “AMICO” dovrebbe essere 3 volte più spesso e più lungo! – Your “FRIEND” must be 3 times thicker and longer!

– Il tuo “AMICO” sarà З volte più spesso e più lungo! – Your “FRIEND” will be 3 times thicker and longer! and e.t.c.

I used AdCombo’s pre-landing and landing pages as they performed well when used on other GEOs:

Landing page – [48293] Xtrazex – IT – Black df

Prelander – [48647] Xtrazex_IronDick_IT-df 

That’s it! It was time to run traffic!

Zuckerberg is watchin’ ya

There was no mercy for me, since all my 8 accounts were banned soon after I started running my ads. That wasn’t a big surprise – such a scenario was predicted. Without wasting a minute, I opened a Photoshop to fix the trouble elements of the creative or, in other words, censor it a little.

Here is the result:

The second attempt was much more successful. I used 50 accounts to promote the offer with the above-mentioned creative pair. In this case study I’d like to draw your attention to the specific account I utilized.

But… I was disappointed as the cost of a lead was a bit higher – around $3, however, I still believed in the power of my creo.


Not giving up, I continued testing it. The next day the cost of a lead changed from $3 to $1! (FB automation did its work perfectly!)


Here is the statistical data of one of the most efficient accounts:

The time span was more than a month and a half.

The average CPL was  $2.07.

This is how the ad looked like:


I spent $965 in total. My income was $2415, thus, the net profit was $1450.

Based on my experience, I can state that your performance in the GEO – Italy directly depends on the audience you hit.

During the campaign’s scaling, the creative pair didn’t always bring the same profit, nevertheless, Italy is a very lucrative GEO, you just need to have the right action plan and a bit of patience.

Wish you all lotta profit and conversions! 💥

Practice time

After such motivating stories there is usually a desire to try some of the advice in practice, isn’t there?

Here is a list of our top-performing adult offers in Europe that are definitely worth your attention:

[28586] Rhino Gold Gel – DE, AT$29,540-48%
[28587] Rhino Gold Gel – ES$2833-37%
[19770] Xtrazex – RS$1249-52%
[28589] Rhino Gold Gel – IT$29,533-42%
[29167] Rhino Gold Gel – RO$2235-46%
[29165] Rhino Gold Gel – FR$2033-40%
[28588] Rhino Gold Gel – CY, GR$23,527-32%
[12749] Xtrazex – DE, AT$2125-31%
[29275] Rhino Gold Gel – CZ$2433-44%
[29948] Maral Gel – RS$8,548-56%

Try it while these pies are still hot and profitable! 🔥

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MOLECULICA. PUMP UP YOUR PROFIT AT THE MOLECULAR LEVEL Mon, 18 Jan 2021 16:01:01 +0000 Reading Time: 4 minutes High conversions, huge payouts, cool design, amazing ingredients, profitable GEOs… It’s not just a sweet dream, it’s Moleculica. Product: The Moleculica anti-aging complex is a combination of three basic and essential in any skincare routine products: day and night creams and a rejuvenation mask. The universal formula contains pretty much ALL of the trending anti-aging...]]> Reading Time: 4 minutes

While you fight the battle for conversions, we tirelessly work on new blasting offers to make sure you win!  This time we got an innovative Youth formula!

High conversions, huge payouts, cool design, amazing ingredients, profitable GEOs… It’s not just a sweet dream, it’s Moleculica.

This is our confidential report on Moleculica experiment.

Tshh… it’s a strictly-secret information, but we know that we can rely on you! 😉



The Moleculica anti-aging complex is a combination of three basic and essential in any skincare routine products: day and night creams and a rejuvenation mask. The universal formula contains pretty much ALL of the trending anti-aging components with proven effectiveness, that enhance each other’s performance in a well-balanced mix. Each product of the line is effective independently, but together they are an unstoppable triple force of youth.💪

Wanna become a bit younger? Just let your affiliate manager know, and we will send you a sample of Moleculica.🧪


The package is a special advantage of Moleculica. It fully conveys the image of a professional dermatological skincare product which is considered “luxury” since many pharmacies sell it at the price of $50 +

Сoncise but eye-catching packs. Designers used the image of molecules and cells, as well as vegetal elements which carry a powerful message about the quality, reliability, naturalness, and innovation of the product to increase a customer’s trust. Moreover, the sunny orange, fresh green, and rich blue colors of the packs won’t allow anyone to be shadowed by other similar creams and will definitely attract attention!

And it’s not enough! Here’s more: grab the pack of high-quality Moleculica photos to make the most effective and clickable creatives! 


The main components of Moleculica are simple, effective, and, what matters a lot – popular and trendy. The whole industry – from professional dermatologists to skincare influencers and marketplace reviewers – sings such loud odes to their magical yet evident properties that they barely need any introduction. We’ve put a lot of research into this product line, tried it ourselves, and can proudly say – it works wonders!  Your customers will definitely be coming back for more.  

Here’re the main active ingredients: 

Hyaluronic acid and collagen with their capacity to make the skin more elastic and strong. Daily stress along with the normal aging process causes loss of moisture. However, hyaluronic acid and collagen have key molecules involved in skin moisture and have a unique capacity in retaining water; 

Elastin – the main structural protein component of skin which prevents the formation of wrinkles;

Retinol accelerates cell formation and regeneration, increases the efficiency of collagen and elastin. 

All these components form a powerful complex that acts deeply, at the cellular level and includes all the most important components for preserving the youth of the skin.

And the cherry on top of this Youth cocktail is a bunch of natural oils (almond, coconut, grape, peach, shea butter) and a multivitamin complex (B5, E, F, A).

Interesting fact: Retinol and Hyaluronic acid are on TOP 5 of the most searched-for beauty ingredients of 2020.

More relevant than ever: We’re all getting old, according to the World Health Organization from 2015 to 2050 the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will rise from 12% to 22%. It means that the market of anti-aging components will be steadily growing. So ride the wave and invest your resources in the right direction!

Target audience:

The winter season is especially challenging for our skin. The lack of sun, temperature difference (between the indoor and outdoor) makes it drier and be in need of extra nutrition and vitamins. Therefore, the chances that Moleculica will attract the attention of the audience increases significantly.

Target 40+ years old females who suffer from skin aging: facial wrinkles and creases, dryness and laxity, large pigmentation and discomfort after washing. 

Don’t ignore the male audience, even though it’s not that much (only 10%), but men can also be interested in the Moleculica, for example, as a gift for their mothers and grandmothers.

Trigger points

Skin aging can be accelerated by a great number of risk factors. We had done a large research in our affiliate-laboratory and prepared a list of the most widespread and scary factors that can cause early senescence. Use it in the right way, and you won’t lose a lead. 😉

Slowing down of metabolic processes;


Smoking and alcohol dependence;

– Lack of proper nutrition, frequent eating of fast food, sweets and starchy food;

Bad ecological and environmental conditions;

Stress and lack of sleep;

Exposure of UV rays.

Do you have at least one of these, btw? Put your name in the risk group and save your cash for buying Moleculica creams in a few years!😄

Report summary:

The Offer Commission of AdCombo concluded that Moleculica is a high-potential offer with all the components that promote huge conversions, impressive ROI and audience loyalty.

Now when you have this insider information, it’s time to fill up your traffic with youth and strength and get the money award!

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Increased Payouts Under The Guatemalan Sun Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:45:30 +0000 Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s not just oil prices that are increasing, AdCombo payouts have also jumped up! We got an unusual exotic gem for you, which is difficult to pass by: Rare, non-trivial Geo with a potential audience of 17.25 million people; Popular, high-converting Nutra offers (all offers are Regular, thus, available at the first touch);   Payout bumps. Look,...]]> Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s not just oil prices that are increasing, AdCombo payouts have also jumped up!

We got an unusual exotic gem for you, which is difficult to pass by:

  • Rare, non-trivial Geo with a potential audience of 17.25 million people;
  • Popular, high-converting Nutra offers (all offers are Regular, thus, available at the first touch);  
  • Payout bumps. Look, some payouts have doubled!

Natural complex for weight management$9→$11
25276 Inno GialuronAnti-aging booster with hyaluronic acid$5→$11
10588 VarikosetteWarming muscle and joint balm$5→$8
Warming muscle and joint balm$10→$13

This Geo is a real CPA treasure! Don’t believe it? Here is our special overview of Guatemala! Use it and push your traffic the right way 😉

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Don’t wait, run your traffic to Guatemala and enjoy this newly discovered gem while you can get the most out!

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Snowy With A Chance Of Money Blizzards Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:31:15 +0000 Reading Time: < 1 minute Hey, affiliate! We are rushing to inform you about the unprecedented cyclone coming your way!  But don’t worry, you will definitely enjoy this sort of precipitation 😉 AdCombo launches a daily lottery for the entire holiday season! Every day we will raffle $50 among our affiliates. New day – new winner! To participate in the...]]> Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hey, affiliate! We are rushing to inform you about the unprecedented cyclone coming your way! 

But don’t worry, you will definitely enjoy this sort of precipitation 😉

AdCombo launches a daily lottery for the entire holiday season! Every day we will raffle $50 among our affiliates. New day – new winner!

To participate in the lottery a registered AdCombo affiliate should in one day: have logged in at least once and made at least 1 confirmed COD sale. Days are counted by UTC.

That’s it! Easy as pie, right?

The winner will be randomly chosen every day at 00:00 UTC 

Who knows, maybe today is your turn to win some holiday cash? May the conversion power be with you!

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Killing Backup Is Coming: New Creatives for Toxic OFF Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:28:46 +0000 Reading Time: < 1 minute How is your battle against parasites going so far? With such impressive payouts, we bet that you’re doing quite well! Nevertheless, we’re sending you a powerful backup to secure your position! Grab the high-quality pics to help TOXIC OFF defeat the parasite invaders by the strength of visual glory and cuteness (who can resist a...]]> Reading Time: < 1 minute

How is your battle against parasites going so far? With such impressive payouts, we bet that you’re doing quite well!

Nevertheless, we’re sending you a powerful backup to secure your position! Grab the high-quality pics to help TOXIC OFF defeat the parasite invaders by the strength of visual glory and cuteness (who can resist a lovely little doggie? Check it out in the pack!).

We’re offering you a classic pack of creatives: both staged colored photos showing the product from favorable angles and bare snaps of the Toxic OFF package.


Pick yours and let the TOXIC OFF blast turn the parasite enemies into conversions!

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CPA campaign without investments 2.0. Mon, 16 Nov 2020 15:53:52 +0000 Reading Time: 5 minutes ]]> Reading Time: 5 minutes

A couple of years ago we published an article on ways to run a CPA campaign without investments. After nearly 2 years nothing has really changed and the question  “how to launch a CPA campaign with no money?” is asked frequently. So today let’s take a look at other ways that work in 2020/2021. 

In our old article we discussed how low-budget strategy works with Facebook, Instagram, Forums, Craigslist and Youtube. Well, they are still working, but we can add a couple of new techniques. 

Content marketing

You can create a thread on Medium or you can even build your own blog on WordPress and start producing useful content. People from other platforms are going to read your articles, share them with friends, and as a result your traffic will grow.

Building a site with a healthy organic user base can be equal to owning a very precious asset. But it can be challenging sometimes, because ideally articles need to be published 2-3 times a week and the quality of those articles should be high. But it won’t be a problem if you have copywriting skills and know how to work with images and build beautiful infographics. Just don’t forget to optimise your articles by making up lists, using meta tags and discretion for search engine to rank your sight high. 

Placement in rankings 

Search for various rankings connected to the topic of your blog. For example, if your blog is related to weight loss, you can just google – “Best weight loss blogs”. And then, in case you can’t find your blog in that ranking list, just write to an admin and ask whether he can list your blog. Most of the time he will do it for free.

Guest blogging

Find blogs related to the topic of your blog and get in touch with admins. After that, discuss an opportunity of writing a guest post with them . Usually they will accept your offer, because every content-based blog is in constant search for content. Just remember that for a free placement your post should be really useful and professional. When it’s ready, publish it with your name and the link to your blog. People will read the article and if they are interested, they will click on your link. 

Such integrations have proven to be effective not only to drive new users to your blog, but also for SEO. 

Social Media 

Create your own groups on social media platforms and link your blog to them. Making small teasers of your new articles with eye-catching images will make your followers eager to read full articles on your blog. 

There are many platforms which can help you to boost your followers, but always remember that one real user is more valuable than 100 bots. Another way to gain new followers is being active in other group discussions. Try to be useful when giving advice and don’t forget to share the link to your blog. If you are active and useful, you will build a loyal audience that definitely will be interested in following your blog. But be careful, your messages shouldn’t look like spam to people or you will get blocked soon. 


Pinterest is a great free traffic source if you are promoting offers for Canada, US or UK. Just sign up for Pinterest as a business and fill out your profile info completely. Don’t forget to add a cool icon, call-to-action buttons and URL to blog or landing page. After that you will have to verify your domain by placing a Pinterest tag on the homepage of your website or just by dropping it in your server files. 

Then you should create 10 boards related to your customers’ interests and pin 10 items to each board to start. The pins should be helpful: recipes, instructions, quizzes, etc. Don’t forget to use detailed descriptions for the higher engagement and CTAs to clearly convey what problem this pin solves. Make it look and feel like a user generated content. Continue adding at least 15 pins a day. 

Here are some Pinterest examples from our affiliates: 

 Matcha Slim 


The awesome feature of Pinterest is that once you launch a campaign on Pinterest, it lives there forever. So after your pin is live, you can have a constant flow of traffic.

YouTube channel 

Youtube is the most popular video platform in the world and it can be a good traffic source for your blog too. 

Create your channel, put the link to your blog in the description. Shoot at least one video related to the topic a week. Mention your website in every video and invite viewers to check it out. Comment on other videos: if your comments are useful, people will follow your channel. 

Here are some Youtube video examples from our affiliates: 

Matcha Slim     

Black Latte 

Commenting on forums

Find the most viewed forum in your niche and create an account there. Then you’ll be able to put a link to your blog in the signatures section. Every message you write will have this link. And the best part of it – it is not considered as spam as it seems like you’re giving advice and this link is just a signature that you have. 

As you can see, all the above methods require a significant amount of time. You should constantly produce content on various platforms, and be helpful and active. We know some affiliates who make good money with free traffic, but in most cases as they switch to paid traffic when scaling. This happens due to high competition and because invested time will not always bring you the desired results. 

Of course, if you don’t have the sufficient ad budget, we will recommend starting with free traffic. It is a great way to minimise your risks of losing money and gaining necessary experience at the same time. Once you are experienced enough with free traffic and make some money with it, you can invest in paid traffic and scale up your campaign. 


We have asked our affiliate managers to recommend TOP offers that  work with free traffic. Here they are:  

  1. [28196] Matcha Slim – FR
  2. [28192] Matcha Slim – DE, AT
  3. [17756] Black Latte – FR
  4. [28189] Matcha Slim – IT
  5. [12615] Black Latte – DE, AT
  6. [24167] Bentolit – DE, AT
  7. [23384] Flekosteel – DE, AT
  8. [1243] Goji cream – DE, AT


These offers can be classified as whitehat, which makes them suitable for beginners. 

Also, we prepared some free services for you which can come handy when running a $0-budget campaign: – a free stock photo database. Of course you can be using Google Images or Instagram, but it’s not 100% legal due to copyright. – a tool which can be used to increase originality of your articles. Just insert a text, and this program will replace certain words with synonyms. Usually it’s not ideal, since it is done by a machine. We advise you to edit the text yourself after or run the result through the free version of Grammarly – a grammar checker that makes your articles sound more natural. is a great program for machine translation. It’s even better than Google Translate because Deepl was developed specially for translating big chunks of text. – if you are looking for a tool which can help you to increase SEO by inserting high ranking keywords, try UberSuggest. – here you can find royalty-free music and sound effects for your YouTube videos.

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NEW ADULT OFFER: FEEL THE BRUTAL RAW POWER OF RHINO! Fri, 16 Oct 2020 17:15:10 +0000 Reading Time: 4 minutes The demand for male enhancement products is always high since most guys believe that there is always room for improvement. To keep up with the market we constantly update our male enhancement product line with new offers. A year ago we introduced Maral Gel. Now it’s time to welcome our new star –  Rhino Gold...]]> Reading Time: 4 minutes

The demand for male enhancement products is always high since most guys believe that there is always room for improvement. To keep up with the market we constantly update our male enhancement product line with new offers. A year ago we introduced Maral Gel. Now it’s time to welcome our new star –  Rhino Gold Gel


29165 – Rhino Gold Gel FR $20
29274 – Rhino Gold Gel IE $25
29273 – Rhino Gold Gel GB $25
29275 – Rhino Gold Gel CZ $24
29170 – Rhino Gold Gel PL $22
29169 – Rhino Gold Gel BG $22.5
29168 – Rhino Gold Gel HU $22.5
29166 – Rhino Gold Gel SK $25
29164 – Rhino Gold Gel PT $25
28589 – Rhino Gold Gel IT $29.5
28588 – Rhino Gold Gel CY, GR $23.5
28587 – Rhino Gold Gel ES $28
28586 – Rhino Gold Gel DE, AT $29.5
28437 – Rhino Gold Gel TW $20
28436 – Rhino Gold Gel CN $15


The product design team really put a lot of effort into the packaging design. It’s made out of high-quality materials and allows Rhino Gold Gel to stand out among similar products even when compared to our own offers – Titan Gel and Maral Gel. We tested it: the conversion rate was higher, it’s easier to gain trust and negative feedback is less likely. 

Here are some pictures of the product:



Just look at the rhino! Powerful, strong, muscular. It’s a perfect image to catch the male audience’s attention.  

Cool fact: there was separate research on the taste and smell of the gel. We tried more than 30 different fragrances and concluded that bergamot + cedar nut work best. Bergamot helps to relax and cedar makes one feel manly and powerful. Without a doubt, it has a huge potential of becoming a hit.


In short – this offer is a catch. Rhino Gold Gel doesn’t have many competitors according to OfferVault. There are only 4 products available at the payout rate of $25+ and the GEO situation is rather limited. Btw, the niche average payout hardly reaches $20. We also considered your wishes and added more Asian countries, and delicious rare ones, like China and Taiwan. Claim your share of the pie while it’s hot! 


Since the Rhino Gold Gel main features are similar to the legendary Maral Gel, the same advertising tactics can be used. We have an informative case study on Maral Gel with FB traffic, take it into account when launching your ad campaign for Rhino Gold Gel.

Here are some unique product features that can be useful for your creatives:

POWERFUL LEGEND: Rhino Gold Gel is not just about aggressive and inspiring visual imagery. Many believe that rhino horn powder is a powerful detoxifier, stimulant and aphrodisiac. It has been mentioned to be consumed by famous businessmen and top models, it’s ridiculously expensive and has a reputation of a luxury product in several countries.  Of course, we would never support hurting a rhino for a product, but you could use this popular legend to get your audience’s interest. 

TRENDY: The good old trend of all-natural ingredients is only getting stronger. Everything organic, gluten-free, and bio-friendly sells well, and so does Rhino Gold Gel that’s filled with nature’s goodness like peruvian maca and muira puama. 

APHRODISIAC: But what is MUIRA PUAMA? Have you heard of it? It has a long history in Brazilian folk medicine and is gaining popularity all over the world now. Muira puama is thought to increase sexual desire and treat sexual dysfunction in both men and women. It’s also one of Amazon’s top-selling ingredients!

Starting to feel the RHINO GOLD power? Hop on, take the rhino by its horn and grab your profit ahead of others!

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