Reading Time: 2 minutes Guys, AdCombo has prepared big news for you! Almost every publisher knows that the majority of the most converting GEOs are in Asia. So, we make an announcement as crushing as Rambo’s shot – AdCombo increases payouts for 27 COD offers in Thailand from 17% to 50%!!! As a bonus, the prices for some products…
Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s March already, the weather is getting warmer and summer will arrive in a couple of months. What does it mean? Now is the best time to run diet offers – the season of shorts and dresses is almost here. Needless to say about EcoSlim and Chocolate Slim, you all know about them – they…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Lol, flat nonsense. You are on the battlefield, my friend. You’ll never know if certain creative materials will give you a sky-high ROI or a severe ban by Facebook moderators. Right now there is only one way to check up your creative materials – to TEST them. Basically, your testing strategy should look like this:…