Reading Time: < 1 minute So, first things first – we have launched two new offers in the last two months. Both of them are popular and every day more and more publishers run traffic to them. And, of course, it motivates us to make new great things for our webmasters. Meet another great offer – Denta Seal! It has…
Reading Time: 2 minutes So, remember Diet Stars? It was launched a month ago and now it is in the top of our offers. Well, there were good reasons for it – diet offers are popular in itself and that offer was brand new at that time. Success combo. And now it is time to tell you what I’m…
Reading Time: < 1 minute There’s no mystery that every affiliate network has its own best webs – the most initiative and active publishers. And networks treat them a bit differently – higher ROI, better approval rates and, of course, bigger payouts. So AdCombo decided to do a little experiment – from now on the payout rates for some of…