Reading Time: 4 minutes Rock’n’roll Team, or simply RRTeam, is rocking the scene! Experts in Facebook ads and proficient marketers in LATAM, Top-5 at The Grand Ad Society Challenge, and just awesome guys, have shared their case study on advertising for hypertension in Chile via Facebook. Let’s dive into their first-person account! Hello everyone! Today I want to share…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Profit of $12.000 with ROI 137%! Wow, what an incredible case study by our affiliate from LATAM! Short, concrete and full of profit – that’s how real CPA pros describe their campaigns. Do you want to repeat it? Read it now! 1. Introduction Offer: 33796 Matcha Suri – MX Period: 07/02/2023 to 12/08/2023 GEO: Mexico…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Профит в 12к с ROI 137% – шикарный кейс от еще одного нашего аффилиата из ЛАТАМ! Кратко, четко и профитно – так описывают свои кампании настоящие профи CPA. Хочешь повторить? Читай скорее! Вступление Оффер: 33796 Matcha Suri – MXГЕО: МексикаПериод: 07.02.2023 до 12.08.2023Ленд: [94268] Matcha Suri – light green-blue – MXИсточник трафика: Facebook AdsДоходы: $…