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  • 19.11.2019

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Well, master pixel isn’t Jackie Chan in the world of Facebook. It’s an easier thing. The master pixel is a pixel created on a stand-alone Business Manager for sharing with other accounts to collect ever more data and store it in one place (Manager). In other words, it’s the primary pixel connecting all your accounts’…

  • 26.7.2019

    Reading Time: 2 minutes We have been friends with PropellerAds for several years now and we had several cross-promos with them. But this one, the one we have prepared for you is great and extraordinary. Every single affiliate marketer wants to have some extra money on his advertising account to be able to perform more tests. We understand this…

  • 01.3.2019

    Reading Time: 6 minutes Last times we talked about Facebook User Trust and the way of deceiving the interfaces. Today we will talk about antidetect services and how do they work. How do antidetect services work? All antidetect services are built on the open source browsers and are modifications of Chrome or Firefox. Services differ from each other in…

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