Reading Time: 5 minutes Most of the existing spy-services specializing in social networks share “locators” principle. A network created out of thousands of profiles for different targeting groups (by age, gender, GEO, interests) forms a radar. The script transfers all the ads from every user’s feed to the database with the targeting markers. The more accounts (that match the…
Reading Time: 2 minutes AdCombo’s Royal Fit! A special bonus that is available only for our publishers. We’ve got to show what the real network’s concern looks like. AdCombo and ePayService provide you with an exclusive opportunity to solve all the payment concerns. EPayService is ready to provide a universal solution for the Facebook Ads and Google Ads payment…
Reading Time: 3 minutes A couple of months ago AdCombo has launched a project LET’S MAKE A DEAL. You give us a case study and we pay for it! The project is still on, so you are up to get free money! So, meet the case how to make money with Body Armour on Facebook Ads! SUMMARY Network: AdCombo…