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  • 21.3.2018

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Lol, flat nonsense. You are on the battlefield, my friend. You’ll never know if certain creative materials will give you a sky-high ROI or a severe ban by Facebook moderators. Right now there is only one way to check up your creative materials –  to TEST them. Basically, your testing strategy should look like this:…

  • 08.2.2018

    Reading Time: 6 minutes “How to launch a CPA campaign with a small budget or without any investments?” – that’s a common question we hear from beginners. To answer it as fully and completely as possible we should first discuss pros and cons of the “zero budget strategy”. The advantages are pretty obvious: if you don’t invest money you…

  • 29.12.2017

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Hey, guys! It’s New Year’s Eve so we decided to post two last episodes of AdCombo Academy at once! We are going to talk about Facebook Ads and the whole affiliate market in 2017. You will learn how to create your first Facebook Ads campaign and some key points to remember. Moreover, we will talk…

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