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  • 10.10.2023

    Reading Time: 2 minutes We’ve looked at the statistics and selected the offers with the best approval rate. Meet the most popular products with a good percentage of sales (check out the full lists via the links): LATAM & THE USA Foot Trooper – nail fungus spray and foot deodorant in one bottle. Simpla 360 – innovative rejuvenating serum…

  • 07.6.2023

    Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s 3 a.m. and the inspiration to launch a new campaign does hit you? Have no desire to guess, and just need the best offer to launch? Your manager is already out of touch, what to do? 🤔 We’re reviving the Top Offers list for hardworking affiliate marketers, and not only! Every month, we’ll post the best offers based…

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