Reading Time: 8 minutes …Networking is crucial to marketing success. Most affiliates are ´self-taught professionals´. Quite often they lack corporate culture, groomed background, a basic understanding of professional liaisons. So, they understand networking in their own way and, when it comes to practice, act intuitively, and spontaneously. Someone may turn out effective due to natural sociability, and the other…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Right now there are 3 types of web hosting available in the market: Shared hosting Dedicated hosting VPS Shared hosting Advantages: Low price; Beginner-friendly and easy to set up. Disadvantages: Limited amount of OS that can be used; Limited scalability; Privacy. Monthly plan price range: from $2 to $15 Dedicated server VPS hosting But this is…
Reading Time: 6 minutes Взаимодействие саппорта и вебмастера – это как партнёрство рок-звезды и продюсера, как дружба спортивного менеджера и боксёра, тренера и футбольной команды. Саппорт и арбитражник – это сплав железа и углерода: гибкая сталь или хрупкий, прочный чугун. Характер союза агента поддержки с медиабайером можно приравнять чуть ли не к браку, ведь супруги либо поддерживают друг-друга и…