Reading Time: < 1 minute 你能想象失去动力的生活会是什么样吗? 坦白说,我们AdCombo团队都非常着迷于这种为了追求某件事物而刺激得神经微微发痒的激动心情,这几乎是众所周知的。事实上,就在几年前,我们举办过一个异常盛大的比赛——Ferrari AdChallenge。在六个月的时间里,来自世界各地的优秀affiliates集结于此,为了争取唯一的Ferrari California得主席位而拼搏。比赛结束后,我们在海边的五星级度假胜地举办了一场奢华盛大的晚宴,在碧海蓝天旁,在温柔日光的沐浴中,不得不令人沉醉。
Reading Time: 2 minutes Hey, affiliates! We know that it’s been a while since we have intrigued you with some vague news on our new upcoming event. Now, it’s time to reveal a secret. Starting from the Feb 1, 2020, all the affiliates registered with AdCombo become full participants of our new contest during which (until Sep 1, 2020!) …
Reading Time: < 1 minute Imagine your life without drive. What it would have been about, tho? Honestly, it’s hard to keep it a secret, but we at AdCombo keen on this feeling which tickles the nerves. Several years ago we had a totally great contest – Ferrari AdChallenge. We do not ask whether you remember it or not, because…