Reading Time: 3 minutes Yes! And our colleagues from MGID have prepared a whole article with 6 compelling arguments in favor of native advertising (according to our partner MGID). We know what your audience needs First, Facebook actively promotes different native ad formats. Moreover, about 86% of all impressions of Audience Network are native. But you need to remember…
Reading Time: < 1 minute Hi, affiliates. Back again we are! Are you ready to be gone with the THAINADO? Cause we are about to launch the brand-new affiliate contest. One offer, one geo to run in and a short time limit for everyone. All this to get latest iPhones (they are not yet announced, by the way) you’ll have…
Reading Time: < 1 minute Remember we launched a boobs-iPhone contest with UpSize – CL? It’s time to post the results of this little competition. We will not reveal the identity of the winner but iPhone X is on its way to him (oh her – who knows) 😉 But the anonymity of our winner doesn’t mean that we can’t…