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  • SALESBUSTERS. Profit Hunt Season starts on November 11th!
    Reading Time: 2 minutes

    Heya there!

    Whoa, the major US shopping season is coming up! Look over there… The 🇺🇸 USA is teeming with chaotically wandering LEADS! Each of them has a raging thirst for purchasing various stuff!

    Hurry up, you have a little time to get ready for a big SALES hunt 💰 with great prizes!

    Catch as many leads as you can and succeed in the new challenge – SALESBUSTERS!

    …until the leads ain’t caught by someone else! 

    Listen up carefully, here is your mission:

    The number of prizes is unlimited.

    Click on the pic to see the offers.

    🔫 What are Hybrid offers?! Hybrid offers are AdCombo’s unique model that combines COD offers with SS ones to increase the chances of affiliates to get a higher CR and cover a broader TA.  When a user intends to place an order, they can decide upon whether to pay in cash or online, by card. In case, the user leaves the payment page, a call center agent will contact them to finish the sale.

    🔫 Is this the only benefit of the offers? Nope. You can double your profit with the offers by launching extra campaigns, utilizing creative pairs for Hispanic traffic. In other words, for Spanish-speaking citizens who live in America. The campaigns in Spanish usually have a higher CR too, and, what’s more, such users prefer to pay in cash. 

    🔫 Why exactly this period?! Black Friday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas…During these days, US natives go on a shopping spree! 

    If there is a lotta profit wandering in the area, then we call Salesbusters!

    Are you here to WIN too?

    Get the most out of being a Salesbuster!

    🕹 Follow the link and play the Salebusters GAME

    🕹 Make a video of your gameplay 

    🕹 Post it in Instagram Stories

    🕹 Tag @adcombo_team

    🕹 Participate in the giveaway of 2 Salesbusters hoodies!

    🕹 On Dec 15th, we pick 2 lucky winners randomly and announce them on the same day.

    We are already impatient to give away hoodies for your super cool videos! 👾

1 Comment

  • Mercy nikki 11.12.21 at 12:15 am

    I will love to have an iPhone because I don’t have nor

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