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  • Plan F.A.T.: how to effectively lose weight and gain extra profit while on quarantine
    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    When all the gyms and sports facilities are closed all over the world and people stay home 24/7, such a way of living and lack of physical activity makes people lazy and weak. The body goes into a super relaxation mode and begins to store fat on an industrial scale. A very familiar scenario, isn’t it?

    But today AdCombo is ready to present you with the latest effective remedy from excessive weight people may gain during quarantine and your new source of profit you have never ever seen!

    Let’s go to the offer facts

    Name: Harmonica

    Vertical: Health and Beauty

    GEO:  IT, BG, PL, CZ, DE, AT, CY, GR, SK, PT, and HU

    Payouts: $13-$21

    WARNING: This offer is subject to 100% contactless delivery and online payments. We care about your health. 

    What is it?

    Rich in vitamins, antioxidants and superfoods, this elixir of health not only helps fight excess weight, but also gives strength to your body and improves overall well-being. Cherimoya, green coffee, acai berries, green tea leaf extract, and chromium picolinate as the main compounds detoxifies and ease the transformation of fat cells into clean energy. The active ingredient is Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is derived from Garcinia Cambogia, which is known for its beneficial effect on digestion and promotes natural weight loss without radical changes in diet. It also helps to increase the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin which improves mood and thereby helps prevent cases of compulsive overeating.

    Why does this offer need your attention and traffic? 

    The demand for quarantine weight-loss, online workouts, and healthy dieting at home has seen an increase all around Europe. While being on a quarantine, people start to perform more interest in taking care about their health and body. It can be easily proved by taking a glance at the latest Google Trends inquiry analysis:

    In addition, people are always interested in dietary supplements as some of them are known for showing a magical impact on health. This is proven by the following graph:

    How to promote? 

    Make stress on Harmonica Linea’s benefits to health strength and its valuable contribution to weight-loss process while on a quarantine. Do not forget to prepare BEFORE/AFTER creatives and their other variations about winning a war with obesity 😉

    Also, you can download fresh ready-made creatives for Harmonica by clicking this link.

    Get (w/h)ealthier with AdCombo!


  • Ahmed 03.04.20 at 1:57 am

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  • ismart 12.04.20 at 5:58 pm

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  • Dilawar 28.04.20 at 12:39 pm

    Very very informative and nice artical

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