Reading Time: < 1 minute Remember we launched a boobs-iPhone contest with UpSize – CL? It’s time to post the results of this little competition. We will not reveal the identity of the winner but iPhone X is on its way to him (oh her – who knows) 😉 But the anonymity of our winner doesn’t mean that we can’t…
Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s March already, the weather is getting warmer and summer will arrive in a couple of months. What does it mean? Now is the best time to run diet offers – the season of shorts and dresses is almost here. Needless to say about EcoSlim and Chocolate Slim, you all know about them – they…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Lol, flat nonsense. You are on the battlefield, my friend. You’ll never know if certain creative materials will give you a sky-high ROI or a severe ban by Facebook moderators. Right now there is only one way to check up your creative materials – to TEST them. Basically, your testing strategy should look like this:…