Reading Time: < 1 minute Statistics show that in most cases CR is much higher when users interact with an offer within a social media network avoiding redirection to a landing page. From the moment on, Facebook makes it possible for businesses to: integrate Instagram messaging with business apps: for instance, support managers will be able to mind a customer’s…
Reading Time: 6 minutes Hey! We know that you can be puzzled about how to promote goods without having trouble. We’ve got a clue for you from our partners –PeerClick. We recommend you to read this article up to the end not to miss out on a special discount. The goal of this article is to walk you through…
Reading Time: 2 minutes Well, master pixel isn’t Jackie Chan in the world of Facebook. It’s an easier thing. The master pixel is a pixel created on a stand-alone Business Manager for sharing with other accounts to collect ever more data and store it in one place (Manager). In other words, it’s the primary pixel connecting all your accounts’…