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  • 18.9.2018

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Yes! And our colleagues from MGID have prepared a whole article with 6 compelling arguments in favor of native advertising (according to our partner MGID). We know what your audience needs First, Facebook actively promotes different native ad formats. Moreover, about 86% of all impressions of Audience Network are native. But you need to remember…

  • 26.6.2018

    Reading Time: 3 minutes While Facebook Ads is insane about Ad Accounts and blocks everything it can block, lots of affiliates turned to native ads, as it is still popular to run COD-offers. Native ads have always been one of the most effective ways to promote the so-called WOW-products. In comparison to Facebook’s insanity, the networks of native advertising…

  • 13.8.2017

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Nowadays, it is not a secret anymore that native ads are one of the most promising tools for sales and content monetization. However, that leads us to a major disadvantage of native advertising – a high level of competition on the market. To overcome that competition rate native ad campaigns usually require a significant amount…

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