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    Heya, guys!

    For most of us, 2020 was a bumpy year, that should be forgotten like a terrible nightmare. Regardless of such a background, it was a year of the hot challenging Race, Posh’n’Porsche, held from Feb 1 to Dec 1.

    And, of course, there’s one thing of 2020 we’re ready to go back to infinitely – the most roaring CPA-niche event –
    Posh’n’Porsche Party at the Hotel W, Dubai!

    It was a striking trip to a luxury Arabian life, and the TOP affiliates along with AdCombo turned into CPA Sheiks for a couple of days!

    To heat up before one of the most crucial days and to have a real Sheik’s time – our dear guests set off for the fairy Desert Welcome Party at the Desert Gate

    The desert sand ride, networking accompanied by tasty local cuisine and beverages and topped off with immersing spectacular performances on the border of sunset, will hold a special place in the affiliates’ memories. 

    Here comes the much-awaited day – December 14, 2020, the Party Day! Energized with beach fun and the warm sea, the TOP participants proceeded to get packed up the Posh’n’Porsche Night! 

    A few hours later the most unforgettable CPA-niche event took place giving away the strongest emotions, bright memories, and…PRIZES! 

    Music, dancing, fun, champagne flowing, joy, laughter, dreams that finally came true – these were key ingredients of the Party cocktail. 

     Let’s try this fantastic taste again!

    Wow! Congrats to all the winners and especially to those lucky ones, who had a chance to cross over Dubai in their brand-new Porsche cars!

    Unfortunately, 2020 shuffled the cards and broke some plans with its pandemic, that’s why not all our major prize winners could attend the Party. Anyway, we can’t let the other winner, who got the Porsche 718 Boxster S, remain in oblivion! Meet Vladimir from Serbia, the TOP affiliate ranked 23! Whatever happened, the odds were in his favor! Double congrats!

    Our existing Posh’n’Porsche Party seems to come to the end. Do you feel the thrill? 

    For getting the full experience, click here to watch the Party live stream video!

    The CPA events have passed their milestone. Let’s move further, to new standards and heights waiting ahead! 

    We are not slowing down, and new fervent engrossing Challenges are coming up soon…but that’s another story…

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