Reading Time: 13 minutes Hi there again! Since my recent post, I’ve had a few affiliate discoveries that I’ll be sharing in notes-posts. Yeah, like a curious young naturalist, I wasn’t just curious about setting up my campaign but was also careful to notice important and useful things. Now tell me, did you read “naturalist” as “NUTRALIST”? 😏 Alright,…
Reading Time: 11 minutes Снова привет! Со времени моего недавнего поста мне удалось совершить некоторые арбитражные открытия, которыми я буду делиться в заметках-постах; Да-да, я, как любопытный юный натуралист не просто с интересом настраивала кампанию, но и старательно подмечала важные и нужные моменты. Так, а теперь признавайтесь, “натуралист” прочитали как “НУТРАлист”? 😏 Ладно, сначала признание с меня – именно…
Reading Time: 7 minutes Wanted to try AI services, but decided not to risk your budget? We did it for you! One media buyer agreed to take part in an experiment and launch a real ad campaigns using the pics and texts generated by neural networks. He shared all the results in detail. In the end, he finally answered…