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    Hi there!

    Have you heard about a new feature that Facebook has recently announced? If not yet, get your ears up, we’ll be glad to tell you.

    The feature is called Facebook for Creators and it’s a kind of tool that “helps creators earn money and manage their presence on Facebook”. What does this mean? Any user that has his own fan page can get donations from the audience by offering paid subscriptions for his original materials.

    Wanna get some bonus cherries? If you a lucky owner of a more or less reliable Facebook page, you don’t have to create a fan page yourself. Facebook does it for you! Is it a matter of magic? No, it’s simpler. 

    Read this guideline that will help you clone your page and get your completed fan page, just follow the steps:

    1. Go to https://www.facebook.com/creators/get-started;
    2. Scroll down to find an arrow and click it;

    3. Then click a profile photo;

    4. Set 3 categories (in our example, we set “blogger” and 2 more chosen randomly);

    5. Select videos that will be moved to the new page;

    6. Subscribe your friends to your blog (aka fan page);

    7. Wait about 30 minutes until your page is completed (you’ll see an icon);

    8. Finally, you’ll get a page like this one.


    NB: At present,  the feature isn’t available for all the countries around the globe and for all Facebook pages. You probably won’t have any problems if you use a VPN. 

    Here are some essential points you’ll be happy to learn:

    • all users that sent you a friend request automatically become your followers;
    • Facebook will eagerly promote your page to your friends’ friends. For instance, our page got 263 followers in 18 minutes
    • the feature has the most important option: you can run ads using your fan page! The moderation took us approx. 20-60 minutes while test running. Just imagine: there’re NO restrictions on the types of ads run. Promote anything you want to. 

    P.S.:  It takes us 30 minutes to create an entire fan page that enables you to promote anything you’d like to.

    Although there isn’t any proof stating that the quality of a fan page has a real impact on the positive moderation decision and traffic you get.

    Anyway, we strongly believe that this type of page has higher chances to prosper.

    That’s all for today, guys. Test it yourselves, find out more, get lots of traffic, and send it to our offers!

    Stay tuned!


  • Jerry Sunday 22.07.20 at 9:12 pm

    sir do you mean we can promote anything like DATING and SWEEPSTAKES without getting ads account ban????!!

    please explain more about “Promote ANYTHING”.

    • Victoria AdCombo (PR) 24.07.20 at 4:37 pm

      Hi, Jerry!

      We can’t say for sure that you will or won’t be banned for promoting such offers. In the article, we tried to say that this option is quite new and promising, but it doesn’t guarantee that you’re 100% safe from bans while running offers like the ones that you’ve mentioned.

      You are free to make a try and share your experience with us here.

      Best regards (:wink-1:)

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