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  • mThink’s Blue Book: Support Our Efforts – Not Just Our Position in the Ranking
    Reading Time: < 1 minute

    Hi, guys!

    Today, we want you to support us one more time. And we hope that you understand that this is not a groundless call to action. We want you not to just cast your vote for us but evaluate our work via your vote. 

    Because we work hard every day. For you. 

    What have we done this year?

    ☑ We discovered a lot of cool new products that became hits: Moleculica, Bluestone, Motion Mat, Shark Motion, Keto Bullet (and we’ll introduce new ones soon);

    ☑ Held three (!) great challenges with fine prizes – TeslaVision, Traffic Drill, Salesbusters;

    ☑ Released useful articles and relevant videos;

    ☑ And we were the first in the CPA world who launched COD offers in the USA!

    And now you have the opportunity to support our efforts in the very important vote for us – mThink’s BLUE BOOK Top 20 CPA Networks 2022 survey.

    The survey won’t take longer than 1 minute.

    ✔ Follow the link

    ✔ Type in AdCombo in the box at Step 2 (if you really think so!) and put a tick(-s) in the box(-es) that name(s) what you like in AdCombo most. 


    ✔ Tick AdCombo at Step 4.

    Thank you beforehand. 

    Best wishes!

    Sincerely yours,

    AdCombo Team 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

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